Date Approved: February 2022
Review Frequency: Annually
Policy Applies to: Service users and staff
Date for Review: February 2023
Procedure will be reviewed sooner in response to any changes within the service or related to changes in legislation or guidance.
All aspects of the policy are monitored as ongoing practice. Review will be carried out by Amica Head and Deputy Head(s) of service and dovetail with wider University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) policies and procedures.
I. Introduction
- Amica is committed to providing its clients and service users with the best possible services, which meet their needs and to ensuring that they are treated fairly and with respect.
- Complaints, comments and compliments provide feedback about what our clients/service users think of our services and this feedback will be used to assist Amica in continually improving its services.Amica staff, should use the Grievance Procedure/Policy if they wish to raise a concern regarding another member of staff or treatment within their role at Amica.
II. Definitions
- A complaint is defined as being any expression of dissatisfaction with the service that Amica provides, whether it is justified or not.
- A comment is defined as being the expression of an idea, suggestion or opinion on how Amica could change/improve its services.
- A compliment is defined as being feedback which informs Amica that it has provided a service well.
III. Procedure for Comments and Compliments
- If an individual/group wants to make a comment and/or compliment about the work of Amica, this may be done either verbally or in writing.
- If an individual wants a verbal comment/compliment to be dealt with in accordance with the procedure used for complaints, rather than being seen as an informal matter, this must be made clear at the time the comment/compliment is being made.
- When a comment/compliment is received, it will be recorded by the Admin Team to ensure it is tracked and responded to within the specified timescales.
- The Admin Team will pass the comment/compliment to the appropriate manager who will reply to the person making the comment/compliment. The reply will include details of any action which Amica is to take as a result of the comment/compliment, where appropriate.
IV. Complaints Procedure
- If you are unhappy about any Amica service, please speak to the relevant staff member or ask to speak to their line manager.
- If you are unhappy with an individual at Amica, sometimes it is best to tell him or her directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate, then ask to speak to the staff member's line manager or the admin team.
- Often, we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will give you an initial response within five working days.
V. Making a written complaint
- If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to the Head of Service. (If your complaint is about the Head of Service, please write to the HR Department, University Hospitals Leicester).
- All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within three working days.
- The aim is to investigate your complaint properly and give you a reply within ten working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date.
- If after we have responded you are not satisfied, please write to Human Resources at UHL who will respond according to UHL guidelines, and a copy of the UHL complaints procedure can be downloaded from the UHL website.